Today is the last day of our advent calendar. What a year we have had! We have done so many things to be proud of and there are many more to come. 

We are now working again on research that will come out in early 2023. These are stories about organised crime around asylum centres, enforced labour by minors in Europe, their debt problem and pushbacks at Europe's internal borders.  And that’s not all! In January we will be officially launching The Project 18 website and in the springtime, we will launch our gamified E-Learning about investigative journalism. We are all very excited to see what 2023 will bring. Will you follow allong?

For the last day, we would like to share one last article we are very proud of. Our intern, Merel van Beekhoven  turned Ismael Einashe’s article about Moussa’s journey into a graphic story. Read more information about this investigation down below. 

Over the years,the EU's anti-trafficking laws have become increasingly strict. While these laws should ensure that people do not become victims of human trafficking, many other problems arise for migrants who reach the EU border.  Moussa was arrested as a 16 year old by an accusation of driving a boat from Senegal to Sicily. Do you want to read Moussa’s full story? Drive in a boat, and get answers through the graphic story. 

Last but not least, Lost in Europe wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year!



Geesje van Haren
Geesje van Haren

Language: English

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