There are currently more than 20,000 unaccompanied foreign minors living in Italy. It's one of the highest numbers ever recorded since 2015. At least 12 minors escape from shelters and disappear every day. The situation of migrant minors in Europe is one of the most pressing issues today.

In the book ‘Perdersi in Europa senza familiglia’ (EN = Getting lost in Europe without family), Cecilia Ferrara and Angela Gennaro try to tell stories of boys and girls who are too often invisible in Europe.

The book is a work of investigative and collaborative journalism to answer some crucial questions: what are the routes unaccompanied foreign minors use to reach Europe? What are the dangers they face? Is the European Union really able to welcome and protect them?

Save the date! Will we will see you on Saturday 18 November at 6pm at #Bookcity Milano? This is one of the few bookpresentation-meetings organized by the Library 'In Cerca di Guai', in collaboration with MEDITERRANEA Saving Humans.

In Cerca di Guai
Jacopo Palma 3
20146 Milano MI, Italy

You can also buy the (Italian) book here. From the 17th of November, it will appear in libraries in Italy.


The prologue of 'Perdersi in Europa senza familiglia' is written by Duccio Facchini and Marco Omizzolo, the introduction by Geesje van Haren and the epilogue is written by Isabella Mancini and Ornella Fiore. The cover is designed by Gianluca Costantini (@channeldraw, X) and Matteo Scannavini created the infographics.

Cecilia: 'We would like to thank Nicola Villa, Sveja, all the editors of Ae_AltreconomiaLost in Europe, the colleagues we work with every day, and of course mums, dads, partners and kids.'

Angela Gennaro
Angela Gennaro
Cecilia Ferrara
Cecilia Ferrara
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