Lost in Europe asked NGO’s about their work, worries and thoughts regarding the migration issues in Europe. Curious about what Save the Children and Amnesty International are doing? Read more below. 

- Save the Children set up a program called TeamUp in the Netherlands. Volunteers in (emergency)shelters, but also at schools, organize sports and game activities for child migrants and refugees. They worry about their mental health. In December Save the Children will be sharing results of the program, which are currently being logged.  

‘We are also concerned about how the migration discussion is going in the Netherlands, especially in the politics and within the cabinet. The costs of shelters are structurally underfunded, there are too few regular shelters - these are full -  making it necessary to set up more expensive emergency shelters,’ says Jos de Vos, press officer at Save the Children.  

- Amnesty International calls on all EU institutions to refrain from additional exceptional measures in EU legislation that undermine fundamental rights. If adopted, the proposed crisis regulation would normalize the use of emergency facilities in Europe to house migrants. It would weaken the coherence of the common European asylum system but fail to prevent 'crisis situations' in the future.

The idea of 'instrumentalising' migrants - using them as political leverage to get something done, allowing EU member states to deviate from the usual rules - should be firmly rejected, they write.

Find the whole article about the migration agreement and it’s consequences here (language: Dutch).


Emma van den Hof
Emma van den Hof
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